To the untrained eye, managing social media accounts for a business seems simple enough but you could argue it’s not unlike peeling an onion. Layers upon layers, that if prepared without the right know-how, technique and efficiency, may result in tears. If you’re reading this blog you could be a business owner or digital marketer at varying levels of social media proficiency and/or business life-stage. Maybe your brand is growing quickly and you’re looking to capitalise? Maybe you’re in the opposite camp - trying to fill a persistently empty venue, or move widgets that are refusing to fly out the door? In either case social media platforms are powerful tools that can help bolster business and facilitate growth. So the question often arises: who comes out on top in the battle between social media in-house vs outsourcing? In this blog we discuss the benefits to outsourcing social media as well as the potential sacrifices or drawbacks. Read on to find out which option works best for you.
Key takeaways:
1. Small Cost vs Long Term Investment: Outsourcing offers a flexible, scalable solution for businesses that want great acceleration online with lower upfront investment. In contrast, in-house management requires greater initial resource allocation but might be preferable for those willing to invest long-term in dedicated staff.
2. Expertise vs Personalisation: Agencies bring a diverse team of specialists and tools, ideal for companies seeking high-quality, data-driven content. In-house teams provide a more authentic voice, which may resonate for brands heavily focused on unique personality and company culture.
3. Efficiency vs Control: Outsourcing allows businesses to refocus on their core operations, but it requires trust, relinquishing some daily overseeing. In-house management offers direct control and faster communication but could strain internal resources.
4. Content Consistency and Quality: Agencies often deliver consistent, trend-aligned content thanks to robust workflows. In-house teams, while authentic, might struggle with consistency if resources are limited or expertise isn’t maintained.
5. Data and Analytics: Outsourcing ensures professional reporting and KPI tracking. Conversely, in-house teams may lack in analytic prowess and discipline unless they invest in training and advanced tools.
Comparing Outsourcing with In-House Social Media Management
What are the key differences between in-house social media management and using an agency to outsource? Fundamentally, outsourcing involves entrusting a third-party with the management of any and all social media accounts e.g. Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Often this will include account set up or optimisation, strategising, content creation and reporting. Conversely, when all these tasks are undertaken by a business owner or internal staff this is considered in-house. There are pros and cons to outsourcing social media as well as taking the responsibility in-house. Outsourcing reduces internal workloads but also relinquishes some aspects of control, whereas in-house social media management can lead to burn out, stale creative, but can also appear most authentic to consumers. We recommend reading on and tallying-up the benefits that most appeal to you in order to choose the best course of action.
Benefits of Outsourcing Social Media
Access to Specialised Expertise
A digital marketing agency that specialises in social media management will have a broad range of experts in their ranks. From account managers, Advertising and SEO specialists, and data analysts, to creatives, web designers, graphic designers, videographers and photographers. This allows for streamlined processes and high-quality results.
Access to Systems and Social Media Tools
An agency with multiple clients is able to more easily justify investment into the best digital marketing tools that improve ideation, efficiency, reporting and more. From state of the art SEO services, creative suites, to task managing software. Not to mention costly hardware like cameras and video equipment. As a client you benefit from all of the above without having to spend upfront.
Scalability and Flexibility
Agencies offer scalability, allowing businesses to adjust their social media efforts based on changing needs without the constraints of managing an internal team.
Cost Efficiency
A bi-product of the last two points, by easily scaling up or down, and reducing overheads like hiring and training outsourcing social media can be a cost-effective solution to managing social media. To put things into perspective, Majer Recruitment estimates that it costs a business $21,000 and takes on average 82 days to secure a new hire whereas outsourcing can start from as little as $700 per month and can generally be up and running within two weeks.
Focus on Core Business Functions
Staff who were previously stretched and/or taking on responsibilities outside of their KPIs are able to refocus and give 100% to their core functions. This results in higher workplace satisfaction and quality output.
Consistent Content Delivery
A professional digital marketing agency will create a comprehensive strategy as well as a content calendar knowing full well that all social media platforms and their algorithms respond best to regular posting and engagement.
Advanced Analytics and Reporting
Agencies take the guesswork out of social media management by closely monitoring KPIs that relate to your business goals. This informs data-driven decision making and ultimately increases ROI.
Challenges of Outsourcing Social Media
Loss of Personal Touch
There is an element of relinquishing your voice when you outsource. However, through good communication, developing a brand booklet or guide with your agency you can overcome this hurdle and ensure your voice remains true and authentic. That’s why it’s imperative you know how to outsource social media management and partner with the right agency.
Less Control Over Daily Operations
Businesses may find an initial teething period as they begin to sync with an agency’s workflow and timelines. Again, free-flowing communication and properly set expectations will minimise this issue.
Potential Misalignment of Goals
If an agency hasn’t done their due-diligence onboarding a new client or if they haven’t listened to a client’s aspirations then a misalignment of goals can occur. Ensuring you and your agency clearly define success from the outset as well as having regular check-ins can help here.
Delay in Communication
While a dedicated account manager should be able to respond within the business day, outsourcing social media management can slow down a workflow if you’re used to managing it yourself or approaching someone in the office directly.
Privacy and Security Concerns
Handing over the keys to your social accounts is a serious decision. If a third party agency isn’t using best practices and up to date security tools then there is the risk of data breaches, leaked IP, and lost sensitive financial information.
In-House Social Media Management Benefits
Direct Control Over Content and Strategy
Managing your social media in-house ensures you have the greatest control when it comes to ideation, content creation, strategy and reporting and evaluation.
Alignment with Company Culture and Ethos
If your brand or business has a strong company culture and ethos that deviates from the norm then in-house social media management can allow that difference to shine brightest.
Quick Coordination and Communication
In theory, an in-house social media team should be more agile and responsive when coordinating or communicating. Removing the middle-person from the equation ideally resulting in quicker approval or confirmation.
Dedicated Focus on Your Brand
Internal staff should be the experts of your brand. Without competing clients to manage your in-house team live and breathe it, giving an authentic and consistent voice when operating social media channels.
Challenges of In-House Social Media Management
Resource Allocation
When social media is managed in-house KPIs have a tendency to snowball, and scope creep can be an insidious issue. Small teams can find themselves taking on more and more tasks outside of their remit increasing stress and decreasing productivity
Expertise and Training
Acquiring social media management skills doesn’t happen overnight. If you’re training in-house considerable investment and support from within the business is required to realise the personal development and education necessary to mould a proficient social media marketer. Alternatively, hiring for specialised roles can be a long winded and costly process.
Maintaining optimal workloads and team dynamics with fluctuating demand can be the bane of management. When your social media is in-house reallocating resources or receiving additional support can be cumbersome.
Consistency in Content Quality
Without in-depth knowledge of industry changes, trends, and updating best practices content developed in-house can become stale, repetitive, or sporadic.
Analytics and Reporting
Measuring and evaluating social media output and results is a pivotal part of social media management. However, many businesses are so focused on “the next thing” that they fail to review social media analytics to improve.
Comparative Analysis
There are so many considerations to weigh up when deciding to manage your social media inhouse vs outsourcing. Think about your current approach to social media and its strengths and weaknesses. If you have the know-how, vision, capacity, creativity, and resources, then an in-house solution could be for you. If you’re looking to quickly grow your digital presence and free up time for your core business activities then outsourcing sounds like the best course of action.
What are the benefits of outsourcing content creation?
There are many benefits to outsourcing content creation. Here are some key upsides associated with outsourcing content:
• Lower Costs: spend less in the short to medium term as agencies absorb the initial costs hiring and training, and procuring hardware and software.
• An Expert Team: the diverse skill set of digital marketing professionals within an agency is priceless.
• Consistency and Quality: With a dedicated account manager and team and an agreed content calendar you can rest assured your regular posts will be top-notch.
Which is better, outsourcing or in-house social media management?
At Born Social we believe outsourcing social media management is the best way to improve your digital presence while future-proofing for growth.There are so many benefits to outsourcing social media, like increased quality and consistency of content, scalability, and access to experts, top-tier tools and analytics. In our humble opinion, most pitfalls that are regularly cited as drawbacks to outsourcing like loss of control or misaligned goals can be easily circumnavigated with good communication.
Can you outsource social media effectively?
Absolutely! Social media can be managed by third party agencies whose sole business revolves around streamlining processes, creating engaging content and leveraging social media algorithms to increase ROI.
What does outsourcing social media entail?
When you outsource social media to a digital marketing agency you can expect a range of services including but not limited to account setup and optimisation, strategy development, content creation, community engagement, and reporting and analytics.
Can I pay someone to run my social media?
Yes! This is usually referred to as outsourcing social media. This is a popular business solution for companies or brands that are unable to run their own accounts on top of the core business functions. There are many benefits to outsourcing and it can be more economical than managing social media in-house.
How often should you evaluate your social media outsourcing success?
A good digital marketing agency will give you regular updates on results and direction without using confusing jargon. This makes evaluation an easy ongoing process where you and your account manager define and realise success together.