PRIN Skincare

Beauty & Wellness



PRIN Skincare


The main objectives were to enhance PRIN Skincare's brand awareness among consumers, boost their followers, cultivate an engaged community, and ultimately drive an increase their website traffic.


After five years of being in operation, PRIN Skincare enlisted Born Social to elevate their social media presence—aiming to enhance their aesthetic, boost engagement, expand their follower base, raise brand awareness, drive growth in website traffic, and ultimately, increase sales. After defining PRIN Skincare's social strategy and objectives, we crafted a fresh creative direction for their graphics, photography, and videography to elevate their organic social media presence. By identifying and collaborating with influencers who align with the brand and have an engaged following within PRIN Skincare's target audience, we successfully broadened reach to new audiences, increased follower count, boosted website traffic, and established connections between PRIN Skincare and prominent influencers.


Even without the aid of supporting paid ad campaigns, Born Social successfully garnered 1449 new Instagram followers in a span of 6 months, marking an impressive 1138% increase compared to the preceding 6 months prior to their involvement. The daily metrics of reach, impressions, and profile visits experienced exponential growth, while post interactions—encompassing likes, comments, shares, and saves—saw a substantial increase ranging between 600-900%. Aiding in these accomplishments, a 3-month influencer campaign played a pivotal role in boosting brand awareness, enhancing brand perception, expanding follower count, and driving increased traffic to the website.

Instagram mockups of PRIN Skincare
PRIN Skincare against rainbow metallic background
PRIN Skincare against background
Two PRIN products
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